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Stories for my three heroes.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Aku duduk berbual dengan Faim sambil melihat Abang bermain Playstation. Tiba-tiba   Faim terpandang sesuatu di luar lantas dia melompat dan menunjuk-nunjuk sambil berteriak, 'Ayah, the birds are back!!!'.

Aku pon memandang keluar pintu dan nampak beberapa ekor burung sedang memakan 'bird seeds' yang digantung oleh kakak.

'It's true Faim. They are moving back north. Remember in the winter they migrated south to find better place to live and food to eat. Now the weather is better, so they return', jawab aku menerangkan prisnsip migrasi haiwan secara ringkas kepada Faim. Itu pon aku rasa pengetahuan setakat kelas Rampaian Sains sekolah rendah.

'Yeah, I know Ayah. Not only birds, Even buffaloes and goats move away when it was cold. Only bears stay inside the caves. They hibernate', terang Faim kepada aku. Wah, ini musti hasil pengetahuan dari Discovery Channel.

'But, do you know what we say back home? No matter how far the birds fly, to the back of the buffaloes they will return', aku cuba berkias dengan Faim. Entah dia faham ke tidak.

'Do you understand?', tanya aku.

'Never', jawab Faim ringkas.

Abang tetiba menyampuk,'It means that no matter where we go, we always want to be home. Home is like the back of the buffalo to the birds'. Habis bercakap Abang memandang kepada aku sambil tersengeh. Berlagak le tu.

Aku pon mengganguk.

'But, I never see a house on a buffalo's back', jawab Faim.

Alamak. Aku dan Abang saling menepuk dahi.

Friday, June 10, 2011


'Are you happy, Ayah?', tiba-tiba Faim bertanya sedang aku menatap wajah komputer di depan mata.

'Huh? Happy? Yea maybe a little but I am more worried about all the things I have to do now!', jawab aku kepada Faim sambil tidak memandang sedikit pun ke sebelah.

'You have so many things to do now?', tanya Faim lagi.

'Yup', jawab aku.
'Look here. There are too many toys. And our other stuffs too. I don't think I can  packed them up so fast. Maybe I have to give them away to some poor kids. You are too big to play with them anyway', jawab aku selamba mengusik.

'But, I think you should be happy, soon!', sahut Faim lagi.

Aku berhenti membaca dan memandang ke Faim. Aku lihat dia tersengeh-sengeh. Mesti ada sesuatu pikir aku.

'Errmm.. can you tell me why I should be happy', aku tanya ke Faim.

'Well.. this Sunday is Father's Day. You should be happy', jawab Faim.

'Oh yea.. thank you for reminding me. I am so happy now', jawab aku.
Ingat pulak dia. Aku sendiri pon dah terlupa atau tak berapa endah sangat dah. Rasa aku lagi seminggu, tapi takpala dah dia ingat!!!