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Stories for my three heroes.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lifted from Kampong Boy's Yesterday and Today by LAT

Friday, April 17, 2009

Blessed Eleven Times

'Yes, I believe that the more challenges you face in life, the better person you will eventually be, InsyaAllah ', aku beritahu Adik. And God knows how many Adik has had to face in his young eleven years life thus far. I feel that God really loves him so much that He keeps on throwing tough things to Adik.

'But Ayah, I am just a kid. I want to have fun', Adik mencelah. Dia masih lagi memasang-masang LEGO Bionicle di tangan sambil memerhati sesekali memerhati Kertas Panduan.

'Yes you are. Yet someday you will grow up and have to tackle all growing up stuff. I just want you to be ready', aku tambah lagi. Aku tak faham ketaksuban dia dengan LEGO Bionicle.Tapi aku kagum dengan kebolehan dia mencantum semua bahagian-bahagian bendalah tu sampai menjadi robot. Dan, sangat telitinya dia sampai dia boleh mengenal mana-mana bahagian yang bercampur aduk di dalam bekas yang menyimpan beberapa ratus kepingan kecil-kecil.

Dan dengan segala nasihat cikgu dan doktor, aku dan Ibu terus mengikuti perkembangan Adik dengan sebaik yang boleh, termasuk lah setiap cabaran fizikal dan emosi dia. Adik tetap Adik. Semua ini dia hadapi tanpa sedikit mengeluh masalah yang dihidapinya.

Aku tepuk kepala Adik dan bangun sambil berkata, ‘Happy Birthday, OK Dik. Sorry, this year we don’t organize a party at home for you. But, we love you just the same and pray for your well being.’

‘OK, Ayah’, Adik menjawab tanpa mengalih sedikit pon dari tugas di tangan.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

One of Many

It is never easy raising a child. You can never be sure. But, whatever parents do, are always for the sake of the children. My parents told me that. My Grandparents, uncles and aunties. And teachers too. And those older people that matter that touched your life as you are growing up. Those times, when you hear those words, maybe it was a response to your questions, your moments and most likely your actions.

And you listen to those words. You take heed. Though you don't really understand it that time, but you pay attention. Because these words, I was certain must have been repeated through generations. It would have come down from time of before. And I will repeat these same words to my children. Always. So that they would understand. That, it is really not an easy task trying to raise children. But, it is always fun and always worth the effort you put in.

'So, please understand. That we don't do things to stifle your freedom or your enjoyment. We do it with your benefit in mind. You have to trust us on that', aku beritahu Abang sambil memandang tepat ke muka Abang. Abang tidak memandang aku tetapi menumpu mata kepada layar TV. Tangannya masih memegang controller dan sedikit-sedikit menekan butang-butangnya. Tapi dengan lebih perlahan.
'You just think about that', aku menambah dan naik ke atas.
20 minit kemudian baru aku mendengar Abang naik ke atas untuk tidor.