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Stories for my three heroes.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Faim baru sahaja jalani operasi baiki gigi yang rusak banyak. Waktu berjumpa dentist dulu, aku hairan bila Doktor kata gigi Faim banyak yang rusak. Faim berus gigi dengan rajin pagi dan malam. Malah kadang, kalau aku memaksa dia tidur kerana kerap nakal, dia akan membantah kerana dia belum memberus gigi. Tapi menurut doktor, gigi dia begitu kerana dia terlalu suka benda manis dan sebagai contoh ialah minum susu coklat, makan coklat dan segalanya berkaitan coklat. Aku akur dan ikutkan nasihat doktor untuk mengadakan prosedur khusus untuk Faim minggu lepas.

Masalah aku hadapi ialah anak-anak lelaki hero aku, termasuk aku sangat la ngeri kalau melihat jarum doktor. Begitu juga Faim. Jadi, bincang punya bincang, doktor setuju untuk menidurkan Faim supaya dia boleh mengurus hampir tujuh batang gigi yang perlu pakai topi, tampal, gesek dan sebagainya. Pada harinya, Faim sangat takut dan menangis-nangis. Aku yang memeluk Faim sebelum dipakaikan topeng penidur. Dan Faim terkulai layu di depan mata aku. 4 Jam aku menunggu, mundar-mandir bersama Ibu sehingga akhirnya baru dia terbangun dengan bibir yang bengkak.

Di rumah Faim kata dia tak ingat bagaimana dia boleh tertidor. Yang dia ingat ialah dakapan aku yang terlalu kuat hingga dia tertidur. Kata terakhir dia sebagai menutup episod yang sangat ingin dia lupakan, ' Ayah, you are too fat. You squeeze me too hard'. Aku rasa aku perlu mencari 'running shoes' aku semula.

Friday, July 09, 2010

Honor Thy Father

I can never claim to really know my father. I mean, I know what his name is and what he looks like and all, but I don't know what kind of a person he really is. What is he, inside, actually.

Mostly, people learn about their parents from their parents' parents. But, I don't have that privilege. I never get a chance to know to my grandfathers. Both died when my parents were still small. I grew up not knowing them nor ever saying a word to them. My grandmothers, Makwe (tua) and Nyai were the only parents of my parents that I know.

So, Dad was kind of a real mystery to me. His presence and absence have profound effect on me. His words were all that I have growing up. Though, over time, I began to be suspicious of certain factual things that he conveyed. Growing up, there was no other older sages that would enhance or countermand whatever Dad said to me. His words were gospels.

That was until I grew bigger and maybe wiser. I put the pieces together. Things I heard over at weddings, funerals, family visits and of course from his usually long winded and one sided in-house lectures given to me and my siblings whenever he felt like giving one. I learned that he went to schools for two years. I knew he once climbed a coconut tree under orders from a Japanese soldier, he once carried crates of coca-colas for Malay movie productions, he was a policeman once and his platoon shot the most notorious communist leader in Kluang, he was a truck driver in the Territorial Army until his eyes betrayed him. These I get from the pieces. He has never tell me directly who he is in one sitting. I have to do a lot of figuring out. But, a lot of issues about him remain murky and cloudy to me. For example, I used to think his birthday was in April, until a few years back when I registered him at the hospital, I found out he was born in June. That's a two month off. But, I swore that I have seen with my own eyes his old birth date in the old Kad Pengenalan.

I know now too that despite their sometimes boisterous bickering, Mom was important to him. When mom died nearly 10 years ago, Dad was quite devastated. He didn't show to me how he missed mom, but I can see the changes in his behavior. Mom was the only one who could stand Dad's long lecture. Occasionally, interrupting him with funny comments at the right moments that would normally made him pause and lost his train of thoughts. Mom was his life. His sparring partner.

I am a father now, myself. Though, I would like to think that I have more exposure on the real and modern world, more educated that my Dad (thanks to his constant emphasis on study and education), I still find myself spouting words to my children that were once from him. Repeating his very words and cautions.

He is old now. Bent and walk with great difficulty. His voice maybe be weaker when he goes on his tirade but the talk would remain as long. But, Bak remains a proud man. he would never give in to me or his other children. His words remain to be obeyed or he will be isolating himself and give you a cold shoulder if he is displeased with somethings or some acts by anyone of us. He is not the kind of father who would readily accept greetings or good wishes. He would grumble or pretend that he couldn't hear us. I used to call and wish him on Hari Raya when I can't make it home on those important occasions.  He would pretend he couldn't hear me and blame that the phone was not working and passed it to my brother or sister. I understand his pride and stop calling. So, when possible, distance wise, I make it a point to be home on those days even if I am late by a day or two. I get it.

And, Bak would never respond if you wish him with Father's Day greeting. He would not understand all the excitement about it. It has no special meaning to him. It would be the same day to him, riding his bikes to the mosque and sending his favorite grandson to school. Regardless, I do remember my father and I wish him in my prayers, anyway. I want to remember taking a day off every month for about two years to wait with him at the eye clinic to treat his catarac. Just so he would be able to see his grandchildren clearly and ride his bike with better eyesight. I cherished those moments though he might not realize it. I felt proud to be able to do something for him. Hopefully, one day he will know how much I really appreciate him and his raising me.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Lost and Found

Semalam hari terakhir persekolahan bagi tahun ini untuk Alfaim yang telah setahun mengikuti pendidikan Kindergarten. Oleh kerana, dia anak paling kecil, selalu nya ada menjadi tugas kakak untuk menghantar ke sekolah dan mengiringi Faim balik ke rumah. Kami menasihat Faim supaya selalu mengikut kata dan arahan kakak dan jangan sekali-sekali menyusahkan kakak kerana kakak kurang boleh berbahasa Inggeris. Mungkin susah untuk kakak meminta bantuan sekiranya ada apa-apa kekeliruan yang berlaku di sekolah. Kadang walaupun kakak banyak kerja di rumah, tapi kalau Faim ingin bermain di 'playground' terlebih dahulu, kakak akan dengan tenang dan sabar menunggu, walaupun hampir satu jam.

Tapi semalam, Faim, mungkin yakin diri oleh kerana dah hampir setahun bersekolah atau atas rasa ehsan kepada kakak yang selalu menunggu, telah mengambil keputusan untuk berjalan terus ke rumah dengan sendiri. Sebaik dilepaskan oleh guru, Faim telah berjalan terus tanpa mencari kakak yang sentiasa menunggu dipojok. Setelah beberapa ketika menunggu, kakak yang kerisauan terus menemui guru dan cuba dengan menggunakan tangan dan mimik muka yang ketakutan memaklum yang Faim tiada. Maka, berlakulah satu gerakan mencari Faim di sekitar sekolah oleh para guru dan Ibu bapa.

Setelah berlaku keributan yang pastinya merisaukan, seorang bapa menjumpai Faim sedang dengan tenang berjalan semula ke sekolah. Alasannya, dia tidak dapat masuk ke rumah kerana pintu berkunci. Setelah itu baru dia teringat yang kakak mungkin menunggu di sekolah.

Aku hanya diberitau oleh ibu akan kejadian pada pagi ini. Faim tidak mau ibu memaklum kepada aku semalam kerana dia mungkin malu atau takut. Aku belum lagi bercadang untuk bercakap dengan dia tentang perkara ini kerana aku nampak dia memang seperti merasa sangat bersalah. Cukuplah dengan ibu menasihat terlebih dahulu. Nanti apabila aku rasa masanya sesuai, akan aku bercerita dengan Faim.