Aku sampai ke rumah dan disapa oleh Adik di depan pintu.
Adik masih merungut sebab tak dapat menyentuh komputer.
'Are you still being punished by Ibu?', tanya aku.
'Yes...', jawab Adik lemah.
' Then, why did you say those bad words? Ibu told you many times, not to say them, why did you?', aku bertanya lagi.
'Abang made me say it. He said : say it, say it, so I said it', kata Adik menyalahkan Abang.
Hah - kata hati aku. Ini ada perkembangan terbaru. Aku panggil Abang.
'Abang, why you made Adik say those bad words?' aku soal Abang pula.
'I just ask him to say it, why he followed me', Abang cuba mempertahankan diri.
'Do you want him to get into trouble?', aku tanya lagi. ' See how he is now, do you like that?' aku cuba buat Abang rasa bersalah.
'No', jawab Abang tertunduk sambil mencebik.
Melihat Abang diam, Adik pulak mencelah. 'See Abang, you always get me in trouble'.
Aku pandang ke Adik.
'Adik since you like to follow Abang's words so much, I'll ask Abang to forbid you from playing computer forever, will you obey him?', aku bertanya.
Adik macam tak percaya. Dengan kening terangkat, dia separuh menjerit kepada aku,' But, Ayahhhhhhhhhhhh... '. Ayat dia terhenti disitu. Dia terus berjalan menghentak kaki masuk ke bilik nenek.
Aku tengok Abang tersengeh-sengeh.
'And you...wipe that smile off your face. The next time you get Adik in trouble, you'll get the same punishment like Adik', aku beri amaran kepada Abang pulak. ' Now, go to bed'.
Abang bergerak mengikut jejak Adik ke bilik nenek, tanpa banyak bicara.
My birth story - Arrival of precious baby Tyler
8 years ago
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