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Stories for my three heroes.

Monday, May 09, 2005


‘Troops, you have failed me’, kata aku sambil merenung tajam ke muka Zaim dan Naim.
Mereka diam.

’You disregarded a clear directive from your Commanding Officer. A directive both of you agreed to embark on’, aku kata lagi.

‘But, Ayah we were tired and sleepy’ rayu Naim. Memang betul pon sebab malam sebelumnya lepas balik menonton teater Peter Pan, kami tengok Premier League sampai awal pagi. Adik buat muka sedih.

‘No, but!, but!. You have bring shame to the regiment’ kata aku tetap cuba bermuka serious. ‘What do you have to say, Soldier?’ aku alih suara ke Abang pulak.

Alzaim cepat tangkap mood aku. Dia berdiri tegak dan menjawab tegas,’Sir, we are sorry we failed you, Sir. We woke up late. Because of that Operation Ibu Breakfast could not be launched as planned, Sir. We have no excuse’.

‘…and because of that?’ kata aku lagi.

‘And because of that, our Commanding Officer had to prepare the breakfast alone. We accept any punishment, Sir!’ jawab Abang tersenyum-senyum pulak. Adik masih bermuka sedih.

Aku tengok muka mereka satu persatu dan beri arahan baru. Rasanya mereka faham dah.

‘Alright!. Soldiers, Listen up. I am giving you another chance. This afternoon, we'll launch two new operations, Codename Lunch Alamanda and Codename Sarkas. For Operation Sarkas, we’ll have a new recruit. I want the best behaviour from all of you.’


‘Do you get me, soldiers!!!’ jerit aku.

‘Aye, aye Sir!!’ mereka jerit balik sambil berdiri tegak. Adik siap tabik.

‘This is not the Navy’ kata aku kuat.

‘SIR! YES, SIR!’ Abang sahut cepat. Adik masih terkebil-kebil.

‘ALRIGHT.. Troops disss... eerrr what is it, Adik?’, tanya aku melihat Adik mengangkat tangan.

‘Ayah.. Can I go toilet?’ jawab Adik dengan muka sedih.

‘Alright! Troops dismissed’ kata aku sambil separuh nak tergelak.

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