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Stories for my three heroes.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Ibu datang opis hari ni terus mengadu.
'Baby Faim ni dah jadi ganas', kata Ibu.
'Aku hanya mengiakan aja. Ibu ulang lagi,'Baby Faim ganas dah'.

Aku berhenti menulis. Aku pandang ke Ibu dan bertanya,'Kenapa? Apa dia dah buat?'
'He came back from school with his kite with a long tail. Shazam saw it and chased the tail. Faim ran into his room but Shazam caught the tail and ripped it. Faim got so angry he kicked the cat out of his room. Then he threw the kite out too', kata Ibu tanpa berhenti menghela nafas.

Aku nak tergelak. Tapi bila terpandang muka serius Ibu, aku cuba mengawal.
'Really? That's bad. I will speak to him when we get home', aku cuba berserius juga.

Balik rumah lepas aku 'interrogate' Faim, aku menjatuhkan hukuman ikat kaki sekejap. Tapi Baby Faim membela diri, ' Ayah you tie Shazam legs too. Bekos she did my kite'.
'Oh really', kata aku. Aku dan Faim memandang Shazam. Seperti memahami, Shazam lari lintang pukang turun tangga.

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